Lamppost Learning
Communication Design
'Takhti' formed part of my Graduation Project at NIFT New Delhi in 2017. The aim of my project was to design a learning aid that not only enables a school in a non-urban setup to teach the students in a profound manner but more importantly enables the student to share the knowledge that he has gained with other children who may not be receiving any kind of education.
In simple words, the project was targeted to be a practical application of the common phrase, "Each one, teach one".

Since Takhti is a product targeted towards learners from poorer household, it is not necessary that they would always be able to spare a part of their earnings for something like this. Hence, the communication strategy developed for the product, is a pitch that targets corporates, socially and economically aware individuals and NGOs. In order to reach out to them, the first step of communication would be e-mailers, which would serve as conversation starters to drive attention to the website.

The Lamppost Learning website is a basic place-holder for all campaign related information at one common place. Below is the look and feel developed for the same.

The “Give Your Word” section of the website comprises of a promise people can make. This promise is symbolic of taking a step as an individual to do something to curb the cause. Whether it is by making a donation to sponsor a ‘Takhti’ , buying one for somebody whom you wish to educate, or simply voicing out to those who need your support. When a person gives their word, their signature is added to the wall of support in the form of the type designed for ‘Takhti’. This serves a symbolic connotation which can then be shared by people on all social media platforms. The shared post consists of the campaign logo, thus, spreading awareness about the cause.

Project Done For : Self @ NIFT New Delhi
Date : January 2017 - May 2017